Rekeying Your House

3 Things To Consider When Choosing Security Lighting

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Since your home is typically one of the largest investments you are ever going to make, it is crucial that you take every measure to ensure it is safe and secure all the time. There are some things that most people do on a daily basis to keep homes safe, such as locking windows and doors and even installing a security system. In addition to this, you may also want to consider adding some extra security lighting.…

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Opening A New Business? Security Measures You Should Take For Your Computer Server Room

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No matter the size of your computer server room your business has, it should be well controlled and monitored. This room is one of the most important rooms in your business, as the servers manage your computer network. Below are three options you have to choose from. Keyed or Keyless Lock Keep the computer door locked by using an actual key or a keyless lock. If you do choose to use a key, make sure the keys cannot be duplicated just in case they get into the wrong hands.…

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How To Have A Secure House

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You want to do all you can to prevent a break-in from happening to your home. No matter what type of area you reside in, there is always the chance of you becoming a victim of a criminal looking for a home to burglarize. When you are diligent about home security, you can enjoy a decreased chance of your home being one that gets broken into. Pay close attention to your windows…

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